for version 0.19

The Vertical Distance Constraint fixes a vertex a certain distance on the Y axis, of the sketch, from a second vertex or line.
Qualifying Elements:
- Two Vertices
- A Single Vertix and an Axis
- A Single Vertix and an Origin
Although the error message does not include the sketch axis a valid you can infact use them.

Applying this constraint to a vertical constrained line will result in constraining the length of that line.

Applying this constraint to a sloped line will result in constraining the distance between the Y coordinates of the line.

It is possible to constrain the endpoint of a line to the origin of the sketch. select the endpoint of the line and the Origin.

It is also, possible to constraint the same point using the sketch axis, however, there will be no visible difference using this approach. It can be useful when the origin is out of view.
The constraint can be used on construction lines.

It can also be used as a “measuring” tool for lines. When used in this fashion the value will change as the length of the line changes. This may be useful for referencing in other sketches or for calculating changing values.